
What’s the most important resource Black and LatinX businesses have to help drive their success?

real talk - so manti

A U D I E N C E: Black and LatinX Small Business Owners

R O L E: Strategy | Creative | Design | Production | Live Content Stream

O U T C O M E S: Meta Content Series | Live Streams and Workshops

R E S U L T S: Helping to grow the community to 60k

meta elevate

smb tips - selva negra

my personal brand - ita yoga

The Ask

Meta’s ‘Elevate’ mission is to help Black and LatinX business owners flourish through digital marketing tools and support.

While the platform has a wealth of existing business educational materials, they weren’t resonating with their target audience.

Ambition and commitment to the mission was high. Awareness was low.

The Work

First, we ensured that we had a bespoke team who could authentically represent Black and LatinX voices.

Then, created a social content strategy that focused on helping Elevate community members share their invaluable expertise and experiences. Individual business success could translate to communal success.

We developed multiple content series for Meta and Instagram, each tailored for different business needs. Like Real Talk, where owners openly share the real challenges and difficulties they face. Or, My Personal Brand; personal advice about creating an authentic brand and business style.

And, as this was a mid-pandemic push, live stream events for LatinX heritage month and Black History month also helped us unite the community when it couldn’t network in real life.